Thursday, February 28, 2008

Still Ten Below Every Night...So We Got a Jotul...

Lake Superior is finally freezing. It takes it a long time to cool's so hot in the summer you know. It's been below zero every night. So we got a new wood stove. It's a Jotul from the old country.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Recovering From Birthday Party

It was a great birthday party last night. We slept in till 8 A.M. after staying up past midnight. To celebrate David's Birthday last night we ate and played some music at The Studio and then went downtown and listeded to Gordon and Chris at The Gunflint Tavern. Wish I had some pictures.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Happy Birthday David and Buffie Saint Marie...

Yes, it's your Birthday...we're going to sing!!!...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

We Woke Up to Little Voices...

It was a day of little voices on the Farm. And then the day ended with Dan reading bedtime stories (for three hours)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Remembering July...

I just stumbled over some pictures I took of The North Shore of Lake Superior last summer. Is it really that green in the summer? It's white now. The date was July 10, 2007 and I was flying commercial from MSP to Thunder Bay. The plane had to fly low due to military operations at normal flying altitude. It was rough, but the female pilot and co-pilot did a manly job of it. The pictures are of Lutsen ski slopes and the Good Harbor Hill area including the Farm...and horses...