Sunday, December 16, 2007

Another Weekend at Home

It's great to just be able to stay home on a weekend.
Friday night we went to the play Annie at the Grand Marais Playhouse. The kids were great. They're so can they think?
Satrday we worked around the house as we did the annual Grand Marais bird count. We had chickadees, pine grosbeaks, grey jays, bluejays, and ravens.
Saturday night we went to dinner with Randy who just returned from the south and ended up staying till 11 P.M. listiening to Mark Darling's band from up the gunflint. Bob and Kay, Carol D., and others were there. We're so social sometimes.
Today was sunny and chilly. Betsy went to Aurora;s dance gig in town. I stacked wood and chased birds around the county with my camera.

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